
Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Computer Errors–Still There :) 

0800 05 Nov. 2013

0000000000 (Its so nice they can now afford caller ID.)

1-530-619-3038  (California? At least they didn't say it was MS this time.)




I think we have established a relationship. My latest computer call lasted less than a minute.



I used to be able to keep them on for 45 min. or so.



Him: "Good day sir how are you?"



Me: "Fine so far."



Him: "This is ???? calling. I assume you are da owner of the com-puter in your household? Yes?"



Me: "I guess I could be."



Him: "Are you or are you not da owner of the com pu ter in your household?"



Me: "Yes!"



Him: "It looks like your com pu ter has downloaded a virus unknown to you. Do you understand?"



Me: "Yes I do. Which one is it?"



Him: "Your Windows com pu ter. Windows."



Me: "Which one? You need to tell me which one."



Him: "How many computers you have?"



Me: "You don't need to know that. I have more than one. If there is a problem, you tell me which one it is."



Him: "They are all connected to the same internet connection right?"



Me: "No they are not. You need to tell me which computer has the problem, and its operating system for a start."



Click!  ZZZzzzzzzzzz...



I called him a name which can't be publicized here in a family size blog. I hate it when I have 60 minutes to waste and they only use one!

Geo OneDayLogo
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