Tuesday, March 23, 2004
Budget Time
I was impressed by the budget announcement. Impressed for the hidden things that were not advertised. The billions to pay people to fly to other areas of the world for 'talks' to make our country better. The billions over and above the salary collected that is already triple yours and mine, to attend functions across the land that we hear about after the fact. The billions for donations to this cause and that cause while our own continue in wonderment, of how they will get enough for the next meal, or survive the next weather blast.
Not to mention health care - okay I will. The thought keeps being bounced around that the reason we are in so much difficulty health-care-wise is that there are so many 'baby boomers' reaching or about to reach retirement age. Now I ask you, didn't all these 'baby boomers' pay unemployment, taxes and every other deduction all their lives? The pot should be overflowing with a work force that large over that many years. But they make the younger generations think they are carrying the load. I think the load was dumped - like harbour cleanup - you can dump all the water you want into a harbour - it will never over flow...

This work by NSCAVE is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
I was impressed by the budget announcement. Impressed for the hidden things that were not advertised. The billions to pay people to fly to other areas of the world for 'talks' to make our country better. The billions over and above the salary collected that is already triple yours and mine, to attend functions across the land that we hear about after the fact. The billions for donations to this cause and that cause while our own continue in wonderment, of how they will get enough for the next meal, or survive the next weather blast.
Not to mention health care - okay I will. The thought keeps being bounced around that the reason we are in so much difficulty health-care-wise is that there are so many 'baby boomers' reaching or about to reach retirement age. Now I ask you, didn't all these 'baby boomers' pay unemployment, taxes and every other deduction all their lives? The pot should be overflowing with a work force that large over that many years. But they make the younger generations think they are carrying the load. I think the load was dumped - like harbour cleanup - you can dump all the water you want into a harbour - it will never over flow...
This work by NSCAVE is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
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