Saturday, April 11, 2009
The Trip
Previous entries referred to my trip to Florida. Well that trip has been completed. Flew to Orlando, Florida and drove back up the coast to return to Nova Scotia.
The trip generated a few humourous moments as well as a couple frustrating ones.
My first trip in many years will provide some entries for this blog beginning very soon. For conditioned travelers it may not mean much. For those who haven’t been anywhere in a long time, beware. There are gremlins out there to get you.

For example to take a scene out of the middle, hardly anyone travels by car without a GPS device anymore. They are a life saver. I don’t know how anyone can travel with just paper maps anymore.
But they are not a cure all, and sometimes paper maps are a good reference to have as a backup. Here’s one reason why. Following the GPS on I-95 took us straight through the middle of Washington D.C. – at rush hour traffic time. - - - and Philadelphia, P.A.
Granted, it was still the interstate, but eight lanes of it – on each side. I had no intention of going near the Washington Monument, the Whitehouse or Arlington Cemetery, but there it was right beside us.
Back to the GPS, following it precisely, it is saying “Keep right … stay right ….continue straight.” No problem this thing will take you anywhere, and it did! “Exit left, 300ft.,” it says. Huh?
Yeah right, 300ft., six lanes to my left, bumper to bumper traffic, traveling at 60 miles per hr. in a 45 mph zone.
The God’s were good this time. Next exit right, left past some apartment looking buildings and a left and a right and I was back on the proper Interstate. The GPS kept repeating “Recalculating, recalculating,” and finally settled down to continue being our guide.
There’s more frustrating humour to come, so don’t go anywhere.
-=One Day At A Time=-
This work by NSCAVE is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
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