
Saturday, May 10, 2014

My Father Said: Pay Attention to the Edges 

“Pay attention to the edges, the middle will take care of itself”

Growing up, whenever I was doing a job, which usually wasn’t a job of my choice, I often heard those words, “Pay attention to the edges, the middle will take care of itself.”


To this day when I am doing jobs of my choosing, in the back of my mind I still hear those words, “Pay attention to the edges, the middle will take care of itself.”



The next time you are cleaning some windows, whether big or small, think about it. If you carefully clean the edges, including the corners, first thing you know, the middle is done, or done with a  couple swipes at most.



Painting a room? A night stand? Your deck? “Pay attention to the edges, the middle will take care of itself.”


Same thing, its around the edges you usually miss a spot. The middle gets covered quite easily.

(Okay maybe this doesn’t work as well on lattice.)


Harrowing A Field

Okay I admit this is really the first place “Pay attention to the edges, the middle will take care of itself,” first surfaced. But it was true, the middle looked great and the edges not plant friendly at all. But that statement fixed it 100%.


So when you do your garden, “Pay attention to the edges, the middle will take care of itself.”


There are many more examples, but you will find those yourself in your daily routines as you remember, “Pay attention to the edges, the middle will take care of itself.”

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