
Monday, October 03, 2011

You're sending me that stupid email again? 

Too bad they don't have replacement memory chips for humans.


I can't think of any other reason why I get the same e-mail joke, video or whatever from you three or four times. That's right, not twice, but three or four times.


Sometimes the time span is weeks, sometimes months or even a year. But there it is again in my inbox. Its okay because I always read everything over and over three or four times.


There are only two explanations I can think of.

1) Your memory is worse than mine. Otherwise I would think it is a brand new e-mail.

2) You don't read them yourself, and just forward them to everyone on your list.


I enjoy reading the list of email addresses you neglected to hide because you didn't use bcc,  they are far more interesting than the repeated content. I could have some fun with those.


By the way its nice of you to check the email for virus content with your free virus checker. I didn't have to read that either, its always there.


And that advertisement for the free email program you use, bonus, I like the little butter flies. I wouldn't use it though, it might take a byte our of my computer or hatch a bug in one of my programs.


The only thing I didn't like was that little tracker that verifies an active e-mail address.

Geo OneDayLogo
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