
Sunday, May 18, 2014

Media spotlight attracts - 

I could be wrong, but it seems to me the Media Spotlight attracts certain particles just like a magnet does.



What's a media spotlight?

Its when the media, primarily TV, gets hold of a piece of information and runs it over and over again, hour after hour, day after day, sometimes week after week.


This causes us to form opinions, right or wrong. If it happens to be news of a negative topic, then it often encourages more  of the same.



In The Spotlight

Mostly because the characters behind the things we disagree with have got their popularity - constantly. So they do more of it, probably more outrageous each time, because they have the spotlight – our undivided attention.


If the publicity wasn't there, they would probably not do it at all. What would be the point?


Examples, the missing girls, Toronto's famous mayor, the outrageous activities some individuals choose to do . . .



News – Informed – or Sensationalized

Sure we need to be informed, and it is often beneficial to find out about world happening seconds after the incident.

But do we need it over and over again, hour after hour, day after day, sometimes week after week?

Its free advertising - called the Media Spotlight.

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