
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Mouse Enforcer 

AnyKeyI've said many times I am primarily a keyboard user most of the time. Sure I use the mouse at times when looking through web pages and doing some things. However when I get down to business  doing things with programs I almost always use the keyboard.


When you are used to it and remember the shortcuts, its easier and quicker. You've heard it before, if your hand is already on the mouse, the mouse can be quicker. If you are typing  or your hands are already over the keyboard, then for most the keyboard is quicker. That includes starting additional programs or using the menu items.



What irks me is that a lot of sites are starting to force me to use the mouse.


Many survey sites are especially forceful. " Do not use the mouse, or the forward & backward arrows, click on the arrow to move ahead or back."


That's fine if you can click the dots or the answer with the mouse. But often you have to type in a response, then you have to use the mouse to scroll down to see the aforementioned arrow that you must click.


It would be much easier to use the keyboard to scroll down (space bar or down arrow) and use the arrow key or enter to move forward. Nope can't  do that. Must type, then fiddle with the mouse. That's why, if you have ever completed one, the instructions say it is a 10 minute survey, and it takes you 25 or more to finish.


It's not limited to surveys. Mouse_Fadeda


Banking sites often say "don't use the back key or you will pay your bill twice," or similar things.


Quite a few web pages seem to be set up so you must click on the page before the keyboard input will work. And even then, sometimes certain keyboard standards won't work. For example, the space bar won't scroll the page down. You must use the mouse wheel or left click and drag.


Things can really get frustrating if you are using a portable with only a touch pad.

They removed the mouse balls, then the tail, all for the sake of wireless. Is this animal input cruelty?


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