
Friday, December 09, 2011

Buy Three Get One Free 

Tires4aI mentioned the terrific sales here on the Gulf coast in hopes of luring more customers during the Christmas season. There are so many bargains its difficult to determine how much you saved. (Or how much they made.)

One that catches my mind though is available both here and in Canada.

"Buy three tires, get the fourth one free!"

That's a good deal, right?

But what if I only want one tire? Isn't that some form of discrimination or something? 

What if I only want two tires?  The next person that buys one should get one free, don't you think?

You've heard me say before, if I go into the grocery store and only want to buy one pear, how do I ask for it? If I ask for a pear would I end up with two? Possibly. A pair is two, correct?

So when I go to get these tires, what do I ask for? Do I say I only want to buy three tires and the tire dude will figure out I want four? 

Or do I say I want four tires, but I am only going to pay for three, you see.

The real problem though, as I see it, is the tax. If I am buying three tires I should only pay tax on three. The fourth is not taxable because I only bought three. You gave me the other one for free. And there is no tax on free (yet).  Got that figured out. Okay fine.

Now about that tire disposal fee. Not on that fourth one because I didn't buy it . . .

This sale stuff is confusing. Every day is a school day.

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