Saturday, December 15, 2012
Ear Stuck
That’s Ear Stuck, not ear struck.
One thing I notice more than anything at my present location where I am spending the winter it the number of people with a cell phone stuck in their ear.
Bad enough this is happening while driving, and while walking through traffic. If you want to fall in a pond, or get run over by a truck, go ahead. That doesn’t affect me much.
But it does affect me and a lot of others when you are on the phone in the check-out line. In fact I was in a check-out line the middle of last week, and there were two ahead of me yacking on the cell phone, and one coming up behind.
The one ahead was really annoying because the cashier was waiting to be paid, with the items all packed, while the person kept yelling on the phone. The rest of us waited.
Here’s a sample what it was like:
The one at the cash register: “I already sent them a thousand dollars. Don’t give them anymore than that. You did? I know I can, but why should I? Look, call them back and….”
At the same time, the one just ahead of me: “Look I saw Mary Anne yesterday and you should see her. Yes she is. I was so surprised it embarrassed me. No she didn’t say that. You did? Me too? What day are you going …”
From behind me: “ How’s it going Murkey? Are you interested in Thursday night? The new place, you know where. Its only $145. we can afford that. Only live once. Or is it twice? Sure we can. I just got a new one. Oh a couple thousand….”
I know I’ve mentioned cell phone use before, but its getting more and more ridiculous, when you shop in a store and all you hear is private phone conversations. Even more so when you are standing in line at the check-out counter.
Are these people trying to impress the others? Are they trying to look important? Do they want us to think they are rich because they are talking about thousands? Or are they just ignorant of the world around them?
This work by NSCAVE is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
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