Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Busy But Back
Its time to get RoseGarden back on schedule after being silent for over a month. Since returning from our winter southern adventure things just got so busy there wasn’t time to handle it all. There have been a lot of things happening, nothing bad, just busy and time consuming.
And I predict this whole summer is going to be that way on this end.
Changing World
I think it was supposed to come to an end a few days ago. Now they have rescheduled it for the latter part of October. I’m glad they did. I don’t have time to attend right now.
Dunk Your Phone
News has it that a friend of mine washed his BlackBerry in the washer. Shouldn’t be any dirty language on that phone anymore. Wonder if that means his caller ID will be all zeros now?
Ten Steps Up Three Steps Back
This is not new, but just amazes me that the price of gas can go up thirty some cents a litre compared to this time a year ago or so, then come down eight or ten cents and everybody is so happy about it. I wish I could run a business like that.
Strawberry Expansion
Have you bought strawberries lately? Have you seen the size of them? What’s going on in California? Strawberries used to be “small little” sweet things that enabled all your taste senses. Look at them now. Geeze there are only half a dozen in a plastic container. They are the size of soaked golf balls. You have to cut them like apples and dice them again to fit a portion on a spoon.
Or Is It Me
They are on so often so many days in a row I think I watched “So You Think You Can Dance(ing) With The Stars American Idol.”
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