
Thursday, November 01, 2012

We All Look At The Same Moon 



     My friend on Facebook said that yesterday, along with some good wishes for all.



How true that is, one of those things we take for granted and don’t really think about.


For example, can you imagine on a clear night when you stand and look up at the moon, how many other people are looking up at it from different parts of the world at the very same time?


Or when it is day light where we are, and we can’t see it, there are still people that can look up and see the moon in other parts of the world.


Its always daylight somewhere, and its always night time somewhere.


The moon can be romantic, or  mystifying.


Sometimes memories of the moon can be funny. Some years ago, my then small grandson was at our place visiting and my wife said: “I can’t see the moon anywhere.”


“Its probably at my place,” he said, “It was there when we left.”

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