Monday, January 28, 2013
Sanitizer Wipes Confuse Me
Sanitizer wipers confuse me. Well its not actually the sanitizer wipes, its the people using them. Many stores thoughtfully include a sanitizer wipe dispenser just inside the door near the carts or "buggies" as some call them.
I see people dutifully cleaning the cart handles with care and professionalism like it is a spring cleaning ritual. That's the part that confuses me, for the following reasons:
* You just came in the store. Did you not touch the door handles? Better give those hands a wipe too.
* As you proceed through the store, do you pick up products to read the label? Careful now, someone else may have touched them too.
* Don't go near the frozen food section, or the milk. Usually you have to open the freezer doors by touching a grubby handle.
* Ice cream is out of the question too, for they are behind one of those sneaky doors with handles too.
* You are going to the checkout? Don't touch that dirty money. Do you realize how many previously may have touched it?
* Credit/debit card is out of the question. How many others touched those filthy germ attracting buttons?
* Well at least you don't have to touch the door handle one the way out. Thank goodness for automatic doors.
Note: I fully believe in the benefits of washing your hands. My father brought me up to wash my hands prior to anything you do involving food, and many other things. I can still hear: "Did you wash your hands? I didn't hear any water running." Silent hand sanitizer hadn't been invented then.
This work by NSCAVE is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
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