
Monday, April 08, 2013

Deposit Clothes In the Bin 

Recycle Bin

We’re not talking one of those bins where you leave good used clothing for others that may have use for items we are about to throw away.



Let me back track a bit. I have mentioned we just returned home from a long journey to the south. The final days get pretty hectic, trying to pack everything into the van, filling every little space that exists no matter how tiny.



Along with that one is obligated to clean the residence where we have been staying for the past four months, especially when you have great landlords like we have.



SIMG_0083o the van is finally almost packed and the place cleaned, except for one final bag of garbage collecting the last items of cleaning, that will no longer be used.



As I am placing the last couple items in those last remaining crevices of tiny space inside the van, she, who shall remain nameless, flashes past with a garbage bag heading for the aforementioned bin.



As I walk back inside the house, I say: “You put the garbage out did you?” “Yes,” she says, “Everything is done.”



As I look around for the final bag of soiled clothing we wore while doing this cleaning business, I notice the bag of garbage still hanging on the back of a nearby chair.



“Where’s the bag of soiled clothing that we kept separate?” I ask.



The flash to the recycle bin was as fast and bright as lightning, with the retrieval  process even faster.



Its nice to end the stay and start the journey with a laugh that we will remember as long as the highlights of the trip itself.

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