
Friday, August 16, 2013

Thoughts of the Day (and yesterday) 

Gotta be an election coming


I live in a typical urban area. Yesterday was a must do shopping day. There are about a half dozen different ways to get from the city to my residence.


Every possible access to my area had construction, with the typical traffic backups. Do they have to schedule so that all this improvement has to take place at once?


Or is that a sign of an election?


Why I don’t do automatic updates


My favourite operating system did it again. Issued a group of updates on “patch” day, then on the following day (today) sent out an advisory that some of them are bad and should be avoided.


This is the second time in too short a period.  Didn’t catch me this time, but some were not so lucky.


Review the reviews


If you are like me, you research nearly everything online from software to hardware products and make your decision from there.


I’ve found known names that provided reliable reviews in the past may not do so in the present.


Twice I observed the statement, “no adware, malware or other such material included.”  Custom install proved otherwise. The old pre-checked toolbar, search page trick included, despite the “no” statement.


Life is like a TV program, believe it or not. Is that weird or what?

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