Wednesday, October 14, 2020
See You In The Fast Lane
Self Serve Cash
I’ve always resisted using self serve cash registers, agreeing with those who believe we are taking jobs away by doing the store’s work.
After a recent visit to a local drug store, I am beginning to change my mind – fast!
One Cash Open
Although there were several cash registers available, only one was being used. That’s right one cashier. There was a line-up of more than several people, although we were second in line.
The lady ahead being served at the cash was doing I don’t know what. Several cards used, phone scanned for points several times, and so on. The cashier was doing her best to move things along. But it seemed like we were there for an eternity.
3 Self Serve Units
Immediately to our right there are three of those horrible self serve cash machines. During the time we were waiting, a total of 8 people went through those, two with fairly large orders.
I’ll Serve Myself
In the future I’ll probably be in the fastest line. (Actually there was no line-up there the entire time.) I won’t be taking anybody’s job away because the company chooses not to have anyone at the other cash registers anyway.
Although I have used one store as an example, this holds true in many stores. One store has about a dozen cash registers. Only ever see one cashier available, two if its really really busy.
See you in the fast lane! (¯`·._.·ns¢ävË·._.·´¯)®
This work by NSCAVE is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
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