
Wednesday, June 03, 2020

You Won't Be Here 

You Won't Be Here

Someday you won't be here. As humans we are all destined to leave this world some day, often without much notice.

Most things we leave behind won't change much, a few things may change a little.

Some say climate change and environmental concerns will destroy all. Perhaps. But most things will stay the same, for a long time to come.

Grand Mothers & Grand Fathers

When I look back and think what it was like when my grand parents were here, many things haven't changed much. The layout of the land is practically the same. Sure there are some new highways, a few buildings and so on, but the layout of the land is the same.

Our province has the same shape, the water ways are the same size and in the same places. Towns and villages may have changed size a little, but they are still in the same place with practically the same landmarks.

Sure, we have internet, satellite radio, GPS and all those technical things, but  still basic things are just about the same.

Other Family Members

If you have lost other family members, a mother, father, wife, husband or child, think back as to what it was like when they were here. Of course there are some things you wished they had been here to see, but really the place is just about the same.

Whether it was a couple years ago, or many years ago, the basic things have changed very little.

When You Go

So when its your turn, when your number is picked, things won't change much, not even after years have passed. 

A few personal things of yours may be kept as mementos, but most things you treasured will be tossed away and things will remain the same for years and years, only you and your treasured stuff won't be here.

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