Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Tailgating SUVs
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There are lots of comments about SUVs(Sport Utility Vehicles) on the road these days. I used to think these were ridiculous vehicles, now I drive one myself.
My career has made me well versed in traffic safety. We have all noticed SUVs driving too fast during slippery conditions because their owners think they are a cure all answer to winter driving.
But have you noticed this one? I am talking about SUVs here.
Tailgating is always a concern, because it means if the vehicle in front stops quickly, the one in the rear hasn't enough space to stop. When driving the posted speed limit, I notice many times that a driver of a Buick tailgates closer than a Ford or Chevy driver. A driver of a Lincolin taligates even closer.
Why is that? Do drivers think a more expensive model can stop quicker? Do they think being closer will intimidate the driver in front to go faster? What are we trying to prove here?
When you look in your rear view mirrors and you can't see the headlights of the following vehicle, they are close. In a panic stop they may end up in front. But you know what? In a crash the expensive models fold up and destruct just as fast as the cheaper ones.
And one more thing - the occupants die exactly the same way.
This work by NSCAVE is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
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