
Monday, July 30, 2007

Household Chores 

Now that I have to do most all the household chores myself, things are going pretty good for one that had to learn that stuff in just a few short weeks. There are a few things I haven't figured out yet, so I have a few questions.

1) When you wash dishes, why is there always a piece of silver ware left in the sink, showing up only as the sink drains?

2) When doing the laundry, where did the other sock go?

3) If you are cooking a meal, how do you get all the things to be done at the same time?

4) When you put the garbage out, why is there always another item for the garbage right where you took the other garbage from when you come back in?

5) Once the dishes are done and put away, why do you always have to do something that gets a dish dirty complete with silver ware?

There are more, but you can see what I am up against.


You can't say I didn't warn you, it poured rain today just as I predicted because a lot of my friends started their vacation today. Looks like some showers for most of the rest of the week.

Personally I hope the rain keeps up. That way it won't come down.

-=One Day At A Time=-

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