Thursday, July 26, 2007
New Name Rose Garden
Some of you probably guessed the new name would be Rose Garden, with Sam taking over on guard duty like he used to. She and he were a common sight in her flower garden over the years. Now that she is no longer with me I thought it fitting to move her garden here so it will last as long as I do.
Later I may talk about the grief process, because unless you have already gone through it, you likely don’t understand. I have been amazed at the different moods, attitudes and other things that one has to endure without warning. They say the death of a spouse is the most stressful thing that can happen and I believe it so. By mentioning a few things later when the time is right, may help you prepare for it some day. The things I will be bringing up are not in any grief site or such information anywhere that I am aware of, even though there is an enormous amount of good information out there. That will come later.
Today I want to talk about Kijiji. My son mentioned I should try that, and at first I was reluctant to even bother looking. Finally I checked it out and now I am part of it.
So what is Kijiji (pronounced Key-gee-gee). It is a buy and sell thing on the internet where you can post things you have for sale or want to dispose of, and you can in turn buy items that you may be looking for. Most often the prices are better than ideal. Bargains galore in any field you can think of. Sure there are over priced items like anywhere else. Thing is, you are dealing with local people in your own community.
Kijiji spreads across
Most people are like I am. They have stuff lying around that they have never used, or will never use anymore. The stuff I post there has a real good price on it so the person buying is getting an exceptional deal, and at the same time I am getting a few bucks for something that was just lying around never going to be used. The process is fun, you get to meet some interesting people, and at the same time get a few dollars to buy something you otherwise wouldn’t buy.
I don’t work for them, or get paid for advertising for them. However I had enough success in a short time that they deserve what little promotion I can give. For the same reason I have added their logo to this blog and the associated web site.
‘Till next time . . .
This work by NSCAVE is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
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