
Thursday, August 19, 2010

ATM Update 

I mentioned some of the antics here before that one observes at bank machines. You know, people knocking off their mirrors for being too close, then the next one so far away they have to open the door to press the buttons.

And there is currently an email circulating pointing out the differences between males and females procedures as they go through the banking machine process.


I think today I witnessed the one that will hold the record for awhile. It goes like this.


As I pull up to my favourite ATM machine, the car in front of me pulls way over, and I mean way over to thefahr21a  right hand curb.


The lady passenger gets out of the right side door of the car and proceeds around the car to the ATM machine.


I look in my mirror and there are now two more cars behind patiently waiting, well no, lets just say waiting.


Meanwhile the young lady at the ATM machine is busy pressing buttons, stands back with hands on hips and stares at it with a disgusting look.Bank machinechichortsMore buttons are pushed, another disgusting look and hands are flung in the air in frustration.

A look back at the car parked by the right curb, and then a look of glee as the machine spits out some long awaited cash. She skips happily back to her car, reaffirms her position as a passenger, and they drive off.

This whole process seemed to take about ten minutes, it was likely about five.

As I move up to the machine, everyone behind looks relieved.

I can’t help wondering. Why do these people use the drive through ATM? Wouldn’t it be simpler for them to just go inside the bank which is only a short distance away. I just hope they never do this sort of procedure at night or certain times of the day. Security is just non-existent retrieving money this way.

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