
Sunday, October 16, 2011


I’ve said many times I am a keyboard person, I much prefer starting programs with keyboard shortcuts and shortcut programs, rather than the mouse.

It just seems easier. And quicker. For me.

There is one exception.

Now that I have reached the age of no schedules, no commitments, sleep in as long as you want, there is one problem. A possible set back.

Have you ever gone down stairs and forgot what you went down for?  Can’t remember a thing until you go back upstairs, and ‘bam’ it hits you.

That’s the problem with being a keyboarder.

What happens when you can’t remember the name of the program you always use? You use it every day right? Its… its …

Oh dang – don’t tell me you have to lower yourself to use the menu.

Wait! That means you, keyboard person, probably have to use the mouse. Sure you can open the menu with the Windows key. But it takes longer to scroll up and down opening the subs.

Well look at that. The old brain kicked in just as your hand touches the mouse. Knew the name of the program all along. May as well click it, we’re there now.

ForGetKey  (If you see a keyboard with this key included, please let me know.)

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