
Friday, December 28, 2012

Health Check Party 

When we go out to a party or a social gathering its to have fun right? To forget the daily hassles and stuff that makes routine days seem kind of bland. Get together party up and forget the world with the things that bother you.


Does that happen?    Nooooooo!


Its a standard routine. Sometimes it begins at the beginning of the social, sometimes the middle, but it will happen, you can depend on it.


It goes like this.


First everyone in turn describes their aches and ailments. I had a sore back but got it operated on it 1942, and now its back in the front. Yeah my elbow acted up and I was treated nine times in seven different spots. The sole below my instep was above the threshold of pain until the doctor lowered my heel spur.


If you can't win that one, then comes all the people you know that the rest don't know. My Uncle Ernaby has been on radiation seven times. Poor Ethyl Hydrate fell down the stairs a week ago and she is feeling pretty down.  Bellaby & Trixty both got hospitalized at the same time. They were in a wheel barrow crash at the Farmville exhibition. The wheel came off and hit poor Zephur in the knee and he is all bent out of shape.


On it goes, but it gets better. Prescription description time!


I have to take pills for my bagovitis. Three a day every second week unless there are five weeks in a month and then I take two.  Not me, mine is liquid. I'm supposed to take two tablespoons on Thursday and skip Saturday but I had it changed last week to one tablespoon every sixth Wednesday of the month. I can remember that because its the week after senior's day at the drug store.  Well Malbie did that and she is no longer with us.


I think I know why they put more punch in the punch at these social socials.   Martiniglass

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