Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Manual Presser
Not A Presser
Sometimes with new technology things progress so fast its hard to keep up. Then there are times when our minds go faster than the technology.
I was with a group of friends recently and the gadgets at hand were e-Readers.
There was some difficulty with a newer model due to password degradation. (That means the dang thing was forgotten.) So network connection was impossible.
So an older model reader that had already been connected to the same connection was brought out, just to see if it worked. Since it hadn't been used for awhile, a little setup was required.
This one required using the small keyboard buttons at the bottom. Our user was frantically pressing the screen with of course, no input being accepted.
The sounds of glee around the table came about because one injected, "No, no, no, its not a presser."
Moments later during a repeat of the action, it was explained, "Remember that one is not a toucher!"
Manual Remote
The same discussion took in other bits of technology, including the fantastic TV remotes of the day.
"Too many buttons!" says one.
"I like the programmable ones that do everything, all in the one remote," explained the next.
"Not me," said the person who invented the presser. "Give me a manual remote any old day."
I used to wonder where the terms for technology these days came from. Products like Android, Ice Cream Sandwich, Jellybean, Blackberry, and so on.
I think I may have a lead on that one.
This work by NSCAVE is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
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