
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

End of the Trip 

Start to Finish


Previously I mentioned about the excitement and humour at the beginning of the trip. Lets go to the end of the trip its even better. And this time it would be me.



Car is in the Garage


Since it wouldn’t be used for four months, the car was stored in the garage, locked. So after unpacking most of the essential stuff, it was time to see if the car was usable.



Yes Its Locked


With all the on board electronics vehicles have these days, it was expected the battery would be dead, and it was. It was so dead the remote would not unlock the doors. How can you hook up the battery charger if you can’t get the doors open to open the hood? But ah-ha, I left the two front windows down a half inch.


So with some stiff wire and a screwdriver I manufactured a skinny little thinga-ma-jig that fit through that half inch opening, and with the help of the screwdriver got it on to the lock button spring clamp style, and presto, the door is open.


Hood open and battery charger connected I proceed back inside the house.



Some Questions Always Hurt


“How did you make out?” she asks.


“Its charging,” I say, “Good thing I left the windows open a crack. Battery was stone dead and the door locks wouldn’t work. Can’t get the hood open unless you open the door first. So I had to make a little dooey out of wire to pull the lock button up.”





   “Why didn’t you just use the key in the lock on the driver’s door?” she asked.




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