
Monday, June 24, 2013

Strawberry Fields–forever? 

An article in today’s paper blasted a local grocery chain for strawberry prices for product obtained far away.


I had some of those. They came from California.


I like strawberries; when in Florida for the winter, they often come from Plant City. At times though, even though they are mass produced in Florida, even berries there sometimes come from California.


In short the article says we are making it difficult for our local producers by buying these imported strawberries.


From a consumer standpoint, which price are we going to pay? I will go for cheaper when the taste is comparable to our own. And they were.


If I can get strawberries for $1.25 a quart, I certainly am not going to pay $4.


What’s wrong with our system? Kind of has the same ring to it that makes us look at labels to discover most stuff is manufactured in China.


Having a farm background as a kid, I know it can be rough when crops fail. But explain to me why I should pay $4. a box for strawberries when I can get them for $1.25.


Because of a strawberry plant disease, I am supposed to willingly pay a higher price for them, to help our local producers.


I don’t think so.


Kind of reminds me of the ‘green’ economy stuff. I should be willing to pay a higher price for the privilege of helping our planet in future years, manufacturers make a higher profit.


I don’t think so – again.

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