
Monday, October 07, 2013

Slideshow Irritation 


I subscribe to newsletters where I often get information and tips from others in the industry.


The newsletter list is getting shorter than it used to.


Why? Let me tell you.



Down With Slideshows



I see an article headline and click on it. Up comes a stupid slide show.


I don't want that. I want to read the article, give me a choice, or at least say its a slide show in the title.



Why I Don't Like Slideshows



They never fit on the screen.


Half the picture is off screen - I have to scroll to see it.


Print is often included at the bottom of the picture and you have to scroll to see it.



What's wrong with scrolling?



You have to scroll back up to change to the next slide. Its a waste of time.


Slides are often filled with too much information. The picture of it is not large enough to read everything - unless you click on it to enlarge.


Then its off the screen again.


Then you have to reduce the size to get back to where you can change to the next slide.


Some often put advertisements in between individual topic slides, which means you have to click>readjust and fool around to get back to the original subject.



Slide show have a purpose



I worked as a Trainer for many years. Slide presentations are great for classroom situations where you have a large projection screen and need to present to a crowd of people.


Slide shows are fine for just displaying your pictures. They don’t work for displaying information.


They don't work on average computer screens. They don’t work well on tablets.

Geo OneDayLogo
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