Saturday, October 18, 2008
How's Your Housework Going? _ Let's Clean The Bathroom.
Let's clean the bathroom, a feat that most women seem to tackle and complete so quickly and thoroughly, with every ornament and standard item showing a little sparkle in the compact fluorescent light.
Not so when us males do it. No matter how much care and caution we observe, when the job is done and we stand back to admire our accomplishment, it looks like Mr. Clean passed through and forgot to stop spinning.
Let's start with the bath tub/shower stall. You would think that something used for getting clean wouldn't be so scummy. Scrub scrub scrub, the grunge gradually comes off with a little hard labour. Don't forget those goofy looking spots on the shower curtain.
Now it's time to rinse everything. Us males are not dumb, we will just use that handy dandy portable hand held shower thingy. Pull the lever, crank the hot water...whaaaaa...go soak your head - I just did. Missed that funky little lever up top that diverts the water from the normal nozzle to the dry hand held one.
Lets do the sink next. Pretty straight forward once you pick up all the junk you knocked over. Splattered wall, yeah what about it. Was it splattered before? I'm not telling you. I do have one question.. those new single handled faucets.. how do you shut them off without getting three dimensional water drops on the chrome?
Now that the tub, sink and splattered walls are done, it is time to tackle Big John! This one I can handle, easy right? Pour some of that lavender wonder swirl in there and mop that old brush around will take care of the inside. Awww geeze my eye! It's not the wonder chemical I am worried about, it's the other contaminants that may be present in such a splash. "I can see clearly now..."
good stuff that eyewash.
Almost done, now the outside of the queen of fixtures. Ha ha I am not losing my glasses in there - I took them off. Floor looks a little crappy (?) may as well give that a go too. Not bad, two and a half hours and it looks like a million bucks. Well okay two bucks.
Time to put the bucket, bottles and rags away. How come I smell stagnant water every where I go? How come my shirt sleeves are damp up to my elbows? Better take a shower... Crikey, here we go again...
-=One Day At A Time=-
This work by NSCAVE is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
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