Saturday, January 17, 2009
Don't Go Anywhere
Remember when you were small and you wanted to go outside and mom would say: "Don't go anywhere"?
As I was skimming through the sales flyers I was thinking someone must have been listening to Mom when she said: "Don't go anywhere."
There are dozens of treadmills on sale this time of year. Some are wide. Some are narrow. Some fold up to go under the bed. They go from 0 to 10 mph and even up a steep incline, which means you can walk or jog to your heart's content. But you "Don't go anywhere."
There are ski machines and rowing machines that allow you to twist and tear those muscles you never use. Row and ski for an hour, but you "Don't go anywhere."
There are steppers and one wheeled bicycles. I like those, at least you are sitting down. This would be handy for eating a bag of chips for energy without even stopping. You don't have to steer so your hands may as well do something. And best of all you "Don't go anywhere."
I may start an exercise program. I just don't know what assistive device would do me the most good. Finally after all these years, Mom will be able to look down on me and see that I am finally paying attention to her words - "Don't go anywhere."
-=One Day At A Time=-
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