Monday, October 01, 2012
Orgasm of the Face
Whenever I eat chocolate, I sneeze – twice. It can be a chocolate bar, chocolate ice cream, whatever, if its chocolate, you can depend that I will sneeze – twice.
Deep Sneeze
There’s no holding it back no matter where it may be. The chocolate sneeze is deep, almost violent, and loud. Its almost like an internal explosion that became external instantly.
Sometimes I felt I must be allergic to chocolate in some way, although I have talked to some others that have the same entertainment.
Google Knows Everything
Being involved in a lot of computer activity, I have a saying for my friends, that usually turns out to be true, “Google knows everything.”
Not The Only One
After satisfying my recent “need chocolate” desire, and timing the giant chocolate sneeze perfectly, I decided to check with those who know everything.
Orgasm of the Face
Here’s a sample of what you get if you type Chocolate Sneeze into the big ‘G’. Looks like the numbers of those affected are not small.
I particularly like the one “Orgasm of the Face.” Maybe there is something going on here.
This work by NSCAVE is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
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