Thursday, May 02, 2013
Computer 8
Almost back to normal after the crash & burn of the computer normally used for updates. Yes, another Toshiba, only this one has Windows 8.
Windows 8
After hearing all the negatives about Windows 8, I was ready for trouble. It has a learning curve to be sure, but not necessarily all bad things. It is different, and requires you to think different.
Mouse Driven
Windows 8 is built for touch screens, if not touch, then using a mouse. Being a keyboard type, that was a bit upsetting – at first. After getting all the normal programs I use installed and data transferred for use, I found I was still using the keyboard just as much. There are some keyboard shortcuts I hadn’t heard about.
Windows 8 Keyboard Shortcuts
For example:
Win Key - brings up the start page with all the rectangle icons. (This one well known.)
PgUp & PgDn – allows horizontal scrolling of these rectangle icons.
Win + T – takes you to a normal looking desktop.
Win + I – brings out the ‘Settings’ panel for control panel, etc.
Win + Q – takes you to a page with all the programs (now called Apps) on your computer.
There are many more, but I am finding I can breeze through the items I need using the keyboard just as fast as before.
There is no Start button, but I haven’t found I need it so far. I use Find and Run Robot for starting programs, and in fact haven’t used the Start button on a computer for several generations.
Toshiba Keyboard
This has nothing to do with Windows 8, but rather Toshiba laptops. As mentioned I replaced a Toshiba Satellite with a Toshiba satellite.
You expect a few things to be changed, new and improved kind of deal. But does the keyboard have to change? Bad enough that in Canada it has to be an English/French keyboard with all kinds of blue, red and white symbols on it.
First of all the function keys were programmed so that the auxiliary functions for brightening the screen, running the DVD media player, etc. were primary.
Try using Alt+F4 to close a program and you end up with secondary monitor controls. It was easy to change by going into Toshiba settings, but shouldn’t the ‘F’ keys be as they always were, with secondary functions used by using the Fn key?
Try closing a program by pressing Fn+F4+Alt+F4. It can’t be done. My function keys act as normal now, but time was wasted figuring out the solution.
Delete Home PgDn Pause
The Delete key is in a totally different location, as is the Home and End Keys. Add PgUp and PgDn as well.
And there is no Pause key whatsoever, which I use for the launch program continually. (Pause launches the launch program.)
I do touch typing, and pretty good at it if I do say so myself. When companies change the keys around to different non-logical locations, its like having to learn to type all over again.
Despite all, RoseGarden is almost back to normal.
This work by NSCAVE is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
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