
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Technology Speeds Things UP 

Technology speeds things up because the bills arrive before the goods.

There was a time when you went to a store to buy something and they had it in stock. You went in, paid your money, and walked away with the item you wanted. It didn't matter whether you paid by cash, or credit card, you were on your way item in hand.

Now days when you go to that store, there is a display model leading you to believe you can obtain the item instantly, but often the response is, "We can order that for you, it will be here on...". My thought usually is, "I can order the darn thing myself," but most times go through the process and pay for the item with debit card or credit card. Most people do that these days so they don't have to carry large amounts of cash, and if you pay your bills within the time limit you don't pay any interest.

Lately I notice a new trend. The bill arrives before the goods and it comes by snail mail (good old regular mail). In fact there are a lot of things we are beginning to pay for before we ever receive it. For example, cable companies often charge for their service a month in advance. There is even talk now of having to pay for your gas at the pumps before you get it.

Strange how technology speeds things up, things that you get take longer, but you get to pay for it faster, or is that sooner?

-=One Day At A Time=-

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