Sunday, February 03, 2013
How To Look Dorky
There's a list for everything, so here's mine.
Take a picture using your iPad.
Nothing looks more dorky than holding that big square looking book thing at arms length out in front of you as if you were far-sighted.
(This one is for males.) Adult peeing in the kids urinal at a rest stop.
Splash wash your new runners, don't worry about the floor.
Driving with the gas cap door open.
That thing needs a label, "close cover before leaving."
Answering the telephone ring with your TV remote.
Hello, channel 7?
Trying to change the TV channel with your cordless phone.
Where's the volume?
Ending up with the shopping cart that has the thumping back wheel with the squeaky wheel in the front.
Oh you done this one have you?
This work by NSCAVE is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
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