
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Public Facility Improvements 

While traveling I often hear complaints about public washroom equipment.



Single Sheet

The most common remarks would be about the supplied single sheet toilet paper. (Polite term "toilet tissue.") I'm not sure any money is saved when people use half a roll at a time to prevent 'finger through'.



Should I mention these things are usually mounted in such a way that you have to turn half way around, adding a new meaning to the word "bowling."



Foam Out

Some years ago it was discovered bar soap can transmit germs from one person's use to another. Its hard to figure those modern creatures out. Sometimes its press the lever & the foamy stuff ejects straight down out the bottom. 



Just as you get used to that one, you come across the one that looks the same, but squirts the foamy soap at a 45 deg. angle out the bottom front.



I'm not sure what's the worst, looking stupid at the foamy slime on the counter top, or wiping the stuff off your pants just above the knee as another patron enters the facility.



Auto Tap

One time we got to turn the water faucet on with a lever or rotating tap. No more - can't touch this - we now have infrared auto taps.

You hold your dirty foam sponged hands under the tap and the water starts. Or its supposed to.



Try as you might, no water. Move your hands away from the tap, the water starts. Put your hands back under the tap, the water stops. 

How does it know how to tantalize you? That's the technological secret.



Air Dryer


Not many places have paper towels anymore. If they do they are on a soggy roll standing on the counter where everyone has tried to grasp them with wet hands and not touch the roll. 



(Remember years ago when they had cloth towels on a continuous loop roller?) No, me either.



So now its the air dryer. Anybody tell NASCAR about these? Great for drying the tracks. The roar is noisier than any jet and it blows half the water off, then quits. 



So you start it again, and it blows the next quarter of the water off, and then quits.



You start it once again, then say the heck with it, wipe your hands on your pants and prepare to exit.



Zig Zag Doorwhoooo15

I guess the biggest improvement is the washrooms with the zig zag door ways to get in and out. 



At least that solves the problem of washing your hands, (after you figure out the foamy stuff, the air dryer, and the auto taps,) about getting out without touching that grimy door handle.

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