
Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Chirp! Chirp! 

Can you tell me why?


Barmp! Barmp! Barmp! Barmp! Woop! Woop! Whooo-eeee!  Barmp! Barmp! Barmp!
You've heard it before, in the parking lot, at the mall, on the street, in the middle of the night - Those ever faithful car alarms.
But did you ever notice – no one notices. Or at least no one pays any attention to the dang things.
I’m sure if a thief wanted to check out a car, all they would have to do is trip the alarm, fool with it all they want, no one would pay any attention.
Then there is: Chirp! Chirp!
Every head in the vicinity turns towards the “Chirp! Chirp!”
Who’s the dummy with the “Chirp! Chirp!” locking their car?
“Chirp! Chirp!”  You would think they would turn that thing off.
Who would own a car with such a loud “Chirp! Chirp!”
Do you suppose just a blue LED on the interior mirror would do?


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